Anodisierte Titanlegierungen durch die DOT GmbH

Anodizing of titanium alloys

Anodization of titanium alloys; employee lifts implants out of the electrolytic bath

Anodizing titanium and titanium alloys is one of the standard processes that we use to treat osteosynthesis product surfaces and joint prosthesis components.

Whereas the anodizing Type II (DOTIZE®) process is used to modify the biological and biomechanical properties of the implants in principle, Type III anodizing (Coloring) only modifies the cosmetic appearance of the implants.

Anodization of titanium alloys; employee lifts implants out of the electrolytic bath

Contact us - we are pleased to advise you!

Charles-Darwin-Ring 1a
18059 Rostock l Germany

Phone: +49 381- 4 03 35-0